Monday 11 April 2011

Digital shoot

I'm having a lot of money issues lately, basically I'm skint! Also, I'm shooting a lot of my project over the easter holiday which means I will not have access to the darkroom facilities at uni. I won't be able to process the film myself and there isn't enough time to wait until we get back. Therefore, I will be shooting this project on digital. I am not overly happy about this, but it does make things a lot easier. Also, I don't use digital very often so it would be good to have some digital images in my portfolio at the end of the year.

Phytophthora Tree Disease

I've decided to concentrate on the Phytophthora tree disease in South Wales, in particular the Afan area.  On my first shoot a worker from the Forestry Commission showed me around the area where it a lot of the felling has happened, and it still happening. His job is directly involved with the Phytophthora disease so he has a lot of knowledge on it all.
I chose to shoot on black and white and colour 35mm for my first shoot so I could decide what looks better for this project. I was worried black and white would not work well in such a colourful environment. Here are some of the comparisons. I prefer the black and white images, however I do think the colour ones work well too.
I don't think it is clear from the images what the project is about, so in the final presentation I will be sure to add in a lot of textual facts explaining the disease and the actions the workers have had to take.