Friday 21 January 2011

Starting plans

So, I know I want to aim my Major Project towards environmental issues that are current. I care a lot about it, so it would be enjoyable to do plus I will hopefully learn more about it as I go along. When I look at images of environmental issues it tends to bring up lots of landscapes. This is not the approach I want to take. I want to photograph people, after all it would never have happened if there were no people involved. It's just a case of figuring out how to go about it.

Obviously climate change is a major factor, and it seems that a lot of the problems in the environment have a major impact on climate change.

A few examples-
  1. Desforestation - the less trees there is more carbon diozide and greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere, and in turn warms the Earth up. It also destroys all the natural habitat and wildlife that were once in the forest. The main reasons deforestation happens is because of money, and agriculture.
  2. Population/Consumption- This year the population will reach 7 billion, and it is estimated to reach 9 billion by 2045. The Earth is running out of natural resources and we continue to consume more and more. A more ecological balance is needed, but there seems to be no sign of slowing down. The National Geopgraphic have released a magazine, here's a link to the  7 BILLION
  3. Waste/Energy-As a nation we consume a lot more than we need. This increases our carbon footprint, and also creates a lot of waste and heat into the environment. The richer countries create more waste than the poorer countries, even though there are a lot more people in the underdeveloped countries. A more equal spread of how we consume and use things is needed. 
I don't necessarily want to focus on the bad that is happening to our environment. I think it would be good to look at the influence people are having on the environment and what they are doing to help it.

So, with this all in mind I decided to start local. I emailed Vision 21 (tackling climate change), Recycling for Gloucestershire,  and Cheltenham District Council Recycling Centre. I simply stated what I was hoping to do, and whether it would be possible.

Vision 21 replied with-
"I wish we could help but currently we are snowed under.
 I would recommend you try one of the following:
 Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust
Severn Trent Water – Sewerage Works – Hayden Lane Education Centre.
Gloucestershire Wilderness Centre
Friends of the Earth

Cheltenham District Council Recycling Centre said they were too busy with a very big project, and they simply didn't have to time for me. They did suggest I try Tewkesbury Borough Council instead.

Recycling for Gloucestershire replied saying "Your request sounds very interesting and I hope there could be a mutually beneficial project we could work on together."

After receiving the email from Vision 21 I contacted Severn Wye Energy Agency (SWEA) and Friends of the Earth.

SWEA replied with "yes, we’d be happy to have you come along and visit us....Our team carries out various energy surveys, often at community buildings and schools, and I’m sure we could arrange for you to attend one of these if you want..."

Friends of the Earth replied with -
"Your project sounds very interesting. I'm sure there would be interest in the FoE group for your project. Would you like to come to one of our next meetings to introduce yourself and explain what you would like to do? You could also hear about what we are getting up to. 
The next two meetings are wednesday 12 January and wednesday 9 February. We meet at 8pm at the Vision 21 offices in Cheltenham."
So, in response to all of this information. I  have arranged a meeting with Recycling for Gloucestershire on Friday 21st January, and one with SWEA on Monday 24th January. The meeting with Recycling for Gloucestershire is just to talk about what they do, and whether it would be suitable with what I want to do, and likewise with SWEA. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the Friends of the Earth meetings as I will be in London on my internship for both dates. They have said they will keep me informed of any activities that happen over the weekends, however I cannot see this building up to anything.

In the mean time I've got the websites to look at-

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