Tuesday 25 January 2011

SWEA Meeting - 24/01/11

Well, this didn't exactly go as well as I had hoped. 

I arrived at Highnam at about 10am to meet Alastair, a Project Manager at SWEA. He showed me around the building (which was pretty empty as everyone was out doing work) and explained what they did. They are a charity run organization which is trying to get people to use renewable/energy efficieny energy. As a company they are doing incredibly well, as they are now partnered with most of the European countries. The main work that SWEA do is spread the word about the ways in which businesses/homes/schools etc can make their buildings more energy efficient, to save on costs and to help the environment.

I went out with a nice lady called Karen, to see their work in action. We went to an all girls school near Barnwood Rd, Gloucester where we joined a class of about 30 pupils (all volunteered to be there) to do an energy survey of the school. This was SWEA's way of spreading the word to younger people. A program called YEP. This is a great idea, as I think the younger they learn the better. However, as it was in a school I couldn't take photos and it wasn't really anything worth taking photos. So, I pretty much gained nothing from going.

Alastair did say that they have teams in Wales, so I have emailed him asking if there is anything I could photograph there, which is a bit more exciting (not exactly in those words). I think a project on renewable energy would be a great thing to do, it's just figuring out if there's anything I can do, other than builders putting solar panels on peoples houses.

Shame the negative side of energy is a bit more interesting to photograph, e.g. nuclear etc. I do want to photograph the things that are effecting our environment, but I want to compare them with what we are doing to help it. Unfortunately the helping it side is a lot more difficult to find...

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