Wednesday 2 February 2011

Exhibition/South Wales Shoot

I have confirmed a space above the shop called Rendevous in Cheltenham town centre. They are linked to a charity called Foot Steps. The exhibition will be from 22nd-26th March. It will include students from other courses who have also done creative work on environmental issues. 

The Environmental and Sustainability Executive from the Students Union has got in touch with me, and due to some previous mishaps he has a fairly large amount of darkroom vouchers which he could donate as a prize towards to exhibition. I am meeting him on Monday 7th February to talk about the best way to go about it. I want to make sure it's fair, and has a suitable judge. I will have my own work included, plus all the work will be very different so we will need to figure out the best way to go about it.

At the moment I have a few people interested. I have two Illustrators and one Editorial and Advertising Photography student. I hope to expand to other courses. I have asked Kim to send an email round to all third years, however I plan to put up posters around Pittville Campus this weekend so it is more publicly seen. Although I want more people to enter, I am unsure how big the space is. I will be visiting it on Saturday, so I will need to figure out how many people it can realistically fit in. If too many people enter I will have to consider declining some of them. I will do this once I have seen all the work, and see whose is the least relevant. Although this is harsh, it simply won't be feasible to find extra space to accommodate everyone. I do want it to be as fun as possible for everyone though, as I think it's an exciting experience to display your own work to the public, plus having a prize will motivate people to do their best to get the presentation of their work to a professional standard.

I need to get shooting so I have something to put up! At the moment I have nothing. I plan to have my images from the wind farm in South Wales, so fingers crossed they come out okay. I want to visit the wind farm before they get put up, when they're delivered, and afterwards. I have emailed a couple of people from the developers however they haven't got back to me yet. I'm thinking of just going down soon so I at least know what the place and area is like. I'm thinking of questioning the people that live in the surrounding area and see what their views are on the wind farm, and see if it has affected anyone's life in anyway.

Also, in the mean time I will start photographing other issues that surround me in every day life. The things that I see the public doing around me, that relates to the project. Some ideas I've had recently is to expand on my consumption project from Photographing the Real module. I was not happy with the results of this module, so it would be good to explore new ways to photograph this. I will start this on Sunday, as I will be in Westonbirt on Saturday.

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